
Golf etiquette

Lincoln Valley Golf members recently got a letter from their golf course grounds Superintendent Dustin Eggers. He was telling members he just spent $15,000. On grass seed for 8 of the fairways. Now we are waiting for rain and warm weather for the seed to grow. This may take weeks to grow hoping we get rain, warm weather and cooperation from golfers to not drive carts on the fairways. This has been a rule for years to drive in the rough and use the 90 degree rule. I have to admit I have forgot and have driven down the fairway being my ball very seldom goes down the fairway. Dustin also asks members and guests to stay at least 30 feet away from greens where there is no cart path. I’m guilty of that one too but will try to remember. How about others do the same? A friend of mine, Jim Barlow, worked on the ground crew at the local country club for over 20 years and told me members seem to think they know more about the grounds than the ground Superintendent. I’m sure we probably have the same few at Lincoln Valley also. For these members and guests, I hope you try to remember what Dustin is doing to keep the course in great shape and go by his suggested rules to get this grass growing.


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