
Warme for Senate, Barker for House District 51 on June 4

Voting for our elected officials is both a privilege and a responsibility that I take very seriously. After studying their literature and meeting with each of them individually, I am confident that Kara Warme is the best person to represent our district in the Iowa Senate and Brett Barker is the best candidate to represent Iowa House District 51.

As Governor Kim Reynolds said to a group of over 100 last Friday, Kara will not be outworked and will fight to keep this seat red and to protect the conservative victories made here in Iowa. Kara and her husband Bryan live, work, farm, attend church, and are raising their two daughters inside this district. Kara’s loyalty will be to us, the constituents of Senate District 26. In contrast to her opponent, she has raised the majority of her campaign funds from Marshall and Story counties.

Kara Warme will defend our way of life and conservative values. As a former collegiate cross-country runner, Kara is passionate about protecting the playing field for women in sports. We can count on her to partner with Governor Reynolds’ commonsense efforts to keep biological men out of girls’ sports. Kara is smart, has significant experience as a leader in business, extensively volunteered in her church and pro-life ministries, and devoted much of her time to improving the lives of youth through education and mentoring. Kara Warme is my clear choice for Iowa Senate District 26.

After meeting with him personally, I would also like to endorse Brett Barker in the Republican primary for Iowa House of Representatives, District 51, which includes parts of Marshall and Story counties. Brett already has a proven track record of serving his community and working for strong conservative values. His campaign literature and website are very detailed regarding his stands on many issues, including his support for Iowa farming. I am personally passionate about strengthening Iowa support for Foster and Adoptive families and Brett’s own family is a testimony to his dedication to the same cause. I believe Brett Barker has the intelligence, experience, work ethic, and character to be the best Representative for us in the Iowa House and I proudly support him.


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