Matins Kiwanis meet
The Matins Kiwanis club met at 6:30 a.m. at the Salvation Army on Thursday, which the club brags bypasses the morning rush hour. Opening ceremonies were followed by the imposing of fines and happy dollars on the membership, followed by various reports. The most involved one was presented by Micheal Sills as the end-of-season wrap-up of the funnel cake activities, the last item was prepping the trailer for winter storage. The program for the day was the topic of human trafficking, presented by Kraig Lageschulte, Marshalltown Police Department. Human trafficking is a world-wide scourge involving billions of dollars and millions of victims, not excepting Marshalltown. The activity covers many aspects; sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery and many other indignities forced on victims. Pictured is Lageschulte and Tammie Edler.