January meeting held by Beta Sigma Phi
Beta Sigma Phi, Sigma Master Chapter met for lunch at Pizza Ranch on a blustery, snowy morning Jan. 14. All nine members and one guest answered roll call to: “Did you make a New Years Resolution?”
President Dorothy Perry thanked Elaine Fiscus for hosting the luncheon. Alice Nicholson read the minutes of the December meeting that indicated members were to bring two items for the food box. With no one remembering to bring food, correction was made regarding a reminder will be made by Jan Keller before the next meeting. So, with correction regarding that a reminder will be sent before the next meeting by Keller. Barb Noid gave the Treasurer report with no change from last month.
Health reports were given with good reports from Fiscus while sporting her sling after shoulder surgery, and Karen Shipley-Cooper announcing her speedy trip to ER last month. Perry has started new pain meds with therapy and others were happy to be out and about .
With no other agenda, the meeting closed announcing the next meeting will be on Feb. 11, at El Portal with Diane Hobson hosting.