
Winter Break fair brings people out

The Winter Break Craft & Winter Fair drew a nice-sized crowd at the Central Iowa Fairgrounds on Saturday.

Trisha Wilder, the organizer of the event, said people are ready to get out.

“We had a huge crowd,” Wilder said. “It was very busy. I know the American Legion was happy with the funds they got, which is very important for them right now.”

The American Legion served pulled pork sandwiches as customers browsed 38 separate vendors in the Activity Building.

“Almost all of the vendors are happy with their sales,” Wilder said. “This has been great and really fun.”

One of those vendors was Kelli Thompson of Marshalltown, who sold Pink Zebra and Paparazzi products.

“We have had a lot of people come through here,” she said.

Wilder plans to take some learning experiences from Saturday and use them for future vendor events.

“I have been talking to everyone and seeing if they want to do something on March 21 or April 25,” she said.

Those are tentatively scheduled, Wilder said. However, with the turnout of Saturday’s crowd, she feels good about organizing and hosting more such events in Marshalltown. Even though large numbers of people arrived at the Winter Break fair, Wilder said customers and sellers were very good about wearing their masks.

“I am very proud of Marshalltown,” she said. “Nobody came in causing problems. It all turned out very well and everybody is happy.”

Contact Lana Bradstream at 641-753-6611 or lbradstream@timesrepublican.com.


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