
Supporting Gannon Hendrick for Iowa Senate

Republicans in Marshall and Story County are preparing to vote in one of the most impactful elections for our community. On June 4, Republicans will vote to nominate our next candidate for Senate District 26. With Senator Jeff Edler’s retirement, the seat is open and two individuals are hoping to receive the Republican nomination, Gannon Hendrick and Kara Warme.

Gannon Hendrick is a lifelong Iowan who was born and raised in McCallsburg. From an early age Gannon began working on the family farm, raising his own cattle at the age of 7. Over the past 32 years, Gannon has expanded his operation to 25 cows and continues to live on a working farm. Gannon knows the importance of protecting rural Iowa values and Iowa farmers.

Kara Warme was raised in California and now lives just outside of Ames. Kara is out of touch with rural Iowa. Over 78% of her contributions came from big money donors giving more than $250. Over half have come from Ames and California.

California wants to ban engines that use ethanol and enact rules that put pork producers out of business. California doesn’t care about rural Iowa, will Kara?

Gannon will continue to protect Iowa farmland and his constituents, just as he has during his 22 years of service in the Army Reserve. If elected, he will ensure farmland is owned by Americans and put Iowa farmers first. We need to elect someone who knows what it takes to live and work on a family farm in rural Iowa. Vote Hendrick for Senate on June 4.


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