
The reality of words

As the saying goes, “Words mean things.” After decades of use, the reality of the thing abortion means has disappeared.

We have euphemized it so much abortion has become a euphemism of itself detached from reality. So, here’s the reality. Abortion kills little girls and little boys in terrible ways before birth.

Before labeling me an extremist, please allow me to back up what I say. “Abortion kills.” Embryology textbooks state that at the moment of fertilization a new and unique human being exists. A new life. Abortion takes that life.

“Little girls and little boys.” The genetic code establishes our sex from the beginning of our life. Oh, we do not look like what comes to mind when we say little girl or little boy. But we are little, and we are girl or boy. We just looked different. I do not look today like I looked seventy years ago. Just ask my wife!

“In terrible ways.” The most common in-clinic procedure is Suction Aspiration. A little boy or girl under sixteen weeks is sucked out of the womb with a suction more powerful than your home vacuum cleaner. After sixteen weeks, the procedure is “Dilation and Curettage.” A sharp instrument is used to scrap the uterine lining cutting the little boy or girl into smaller pieces before suctioning. Body parts need to be accounted for to insure nothing is left to cause infection. After sixteen weeks, the method is Dilation and Evacuation. The abortionist uses a forceps to tear arms, legs, and head from the little torso and then remove (evacuate) them.

The most common abortion method is medical abortion using two pills. The first pill cuts off needed oxygen and nutrition coming from the baby’s umbilical cord. In a sense, the little girl or boy is “choked” to death. The second pill, taken later, causes contractions and delivery of the now dead little one. It is often very recognizable as a little girl or boy which can cause emotional stress.

That’s the reality of abortion based upon medical fact. If you favor abortion, understand you favor killing little boys and little girls in terrible ways before birth. If you oppose abortion, then start talking more about its reality and less about how proud you are to be pro-life. Let’s have discussions on abortion based on the reality of the word.

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