
VFW Auxiliary hosts June meeting

The June general membership meeting of the VFW Auxiliary Post 839 met on June 20 at the post home. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Liz Polkiewicz followed by the Opening Ceremonies according to ritual. There were 10 members present, seven were officers. Chaplain Donna Mitchem gave the opening prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited led by Patriotic Instructor Kay Bell.

The May minutes and General Orders were read by Secretary Theresa Shepherd. The minutes were approved as read.

General Correspondence: Auxiliary Focus Memo; a thank you note for a donation from the Emergency Food Box.

Treasurer Deb Miller gave the Treasurer’s report which was accepted and approved, pending audit.

Two bill were presented: a bill from the American Legion for half the cost for Law Enforcement Week and a bill from VFW Post 839 to the Auxiliary for half the cost for the Post picnic. A motion was made by Carol Ewalt with second by Mitchem, motion carried.

There were no June birthdays.


Hospital Committee: Deloris Clayton reported that Iowa Veterans Home Bingo will be held at 9:45 a.m. on June 23. Helpers are needed, arrive at 9:15 a.m.

Community Service: Judy Schiebel reported for the period of April 20-May16, there was a total of 51 service hours at a cost of $308.68 invested by 18 volunteers.

Unfinished Business:

A discussion about hosting a blod drive was tabled until next month.

A discussion was held about a post banner for the IVH Ballpark Restoration project. The post is waiting approval to use the VFW logo.

The audit of the Treasurer’s Report is 2 p.m. on July 10.

A discussion was tabled for next month about aprons for the Honor Guard.

The IVH needs 20 wheelchair cushions, tabled until next month.

The National Home Prayer was recited led by Mitchem.

New Business:

A list of birthdays for IVH veterans was given to Polkiewicz. Clayton received the Governor’s Award certificate for the Auxiliary regarding volunteer work for IVH Bingo.

A motion was made by Schiebel to table the installation of officers until next month, second by Diane Welch, motion carried.

Mitchem recited the closing prayer and Polkiewicz closed the meeting according to ritual.

The next meeting is at 6:30 p.m. on July 18.

Event: A Tenderloin Meal will be held from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on July 21 at the VFW Post Home, 107 Meadow Lane.


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