
Liscomb Auxiliary discusses fall plans

LISCOMB — Liscomb Legion Auxiliary Unit 87 met on Aug. 29 at the home of Vickie Penner in Liscomb. Roll call was answered by five ladies. Pres. Sharon Hatch called meeting to order. Chaplain Dorothy Sorensen gave opening prayer. All recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Auxiliary Preamble.

Minutes of June meeting were read and approved. Treasurers report was given, no bills presented. Hatch discussed the Sept. 16 Fall Auxiliary Conference to be held at the Liscomb Community Center. Rolls and coffee will be served. Registration starts at 9 a.m.

Penner explained about the Pony Express at the Conrad Nursing Home. She will make 43 cards for all residents and take them to the nursing home.

The Unit plans to take goody bags to BCLUW Middle School. Penner got 36 bags to fill.

Hatch and her husband Bill rode the 1929 Model A car in the Liscomb, Gifford and Tar Heel parades this summer.

She reported on the Marshall County Workshop held on Aug. 27 at the Marshalltown Post Home.

All obligations are due by Oct. 20.

Hatch went over the Plan of Action booklet from the Marshall County workshop. The Unit will order poppies by Oct. 20.

The Chaplain read the closing prayer for peace and also the “Adieu to Summer” and Hatch read “Two Old Ladies.”

Meeting was adjourned and lunch was served by hostess Penner in a Fall theme.

Next meeting is at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 5 at Hatch’s home in Whitten.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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