

Purple cows


Be remarkable. Each quarter our team takes the opportunity to collectively read a book designed to help us think about the approach to our roles, our organization, and our community and how we properly affect change with the work we do. This last quarter we dove into “Purple Cow” by Seth ...

America is now in the business of losing wars


On Oct. 7, thousands of members of the terrorist group Hamas and its “civilian” friends broke through the barrier between the Gaza Strip and Israel and proceeded to torture, rape and slaughter at least 1,200 Israeli people. They burned their homes, killed their children in front of them and ...

A ban on freelance work


The Labor Department just imposed 300 pages of new regulations to reclassify many individual contractors as payroll employees. CNBC claims this could help freelancers “recover lost wages.” That’s just nonsense. The new rules will make it harder for some freelancers to support a ...

Idiopathic idiot!


The neurologist gave me the diagnosis I didn’t want to hear: “Severe Idiopathic Neuropathy.” I pretended to know what he meant. Ginnie, the lab-tech, told me later that “Idiopathic” simply means the condition arises spontaneously, cause unknown. Great. Neuropathy is a pain or tingling ...

Americans are not seeking out middle Ground


AWall Street Journal opinion piece by Sen. Mitt Romney regarding the demise of the No Labels political party initiative tells us as much about Romney, and why he failed to ever become a national leader, as it does about the failure of the No Labels effort. No Labels defined its mission “to ...